Needs are not listed in any specific order.
Lighthouse Apostolic Church, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Public Charity
Donations made to a 501(c)3 are tax deductible.
We can accept your old car/vehicle or property/building/house and you will recieve a written receipt for you to have as a tax deduction.
(Deductions will be given in the highest amount allowable by the I.R.S. per the item donated)
1. We need to have our parking (lot front, side and back) either rocked or paved.
2. We are looking for land to eventually build a new church/school on.
Peoples needs
1. Money will be accepted for a new EMERGENCY FUND being built for displaced people. (We had a couple displaced by a toronado in 2011 and we did not have the funds to help them, they had to stay in our Sunday School Room at the church). We want to start raising money in case another need would arise. When making donations to this fund please make a note on your check EMERGENCY FUND.
Contact# 217-820-1527
Lighthouse Apostolic Church
1224 West Franklin St.
Taylorville, IL. 62568
Thank You and May the Lord Bless You for your help.